Microsoft Office 365 install, configure and support

Microsoft 365 Services & Support Ireland

We support businesses, schools and colleges with the implementation of Microsoft Office 365, we work with companies in Cork, Dublin, Belfast, Sligo, Galway, Derry and right across Ireland supporting them with Microsoft 365 Services.


IMC Technologies install and configure and support your Microsoft 365 suite, we operate in Cork however we service and supporting companies all across Ireland, North and South. If you are looking to utilize excellent Microsoft tools for your business then let us manage this for you. Microsoft Office 2016 includes: Skype For Business, OneDrive for Business 2016, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote For Business, HD Video Conferencing, Desktop Apps, Mobile Apps, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft, SharePoint, Outlook, Email, Yammer, Online Conferencing, Sway - Professional Digital Story Telling, File Storage and Sharing, Team Sites, Active Directory Integration, Azure Active Directory, Azure Services, Microsoft Exchange Server and so much more.

Skype and HD Video Conferencing

Skype For Business, Office 365 2016, Tralee, Kerry, IMC Technologies

We offer Skype support for Enterprise and SMB, we operate in Dublin and across Ireland to get your business communicating with the best Microsoft communication  platform. Online Meetings and Teamwork made easy, never miss a meeting again with Skype For Business.

Microsoft OneDrive Storage and Sharing

One Drive For Business, File Sharing and Storage, Tralee Kerry, IMC Technologies

Cloud Storage and File Sharing platform made easy with Microsoft's OneDrive For Business, share files from any device such as mobile phone, tablet.

Microsoft Office 365 email, Exchange

Email, Office 365, Office 2016, Outlook, Exchange, Microsoft, Tralee, Kerry, IMC Technologies

Outlook Mail, Microsoft Exchange and Account Management, We provide full Office 365 Email Support and configuration.

Active Directory in the Cloud, AD Sync

Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Office 365, Tralee, Kerry, IMC Technologies

Its possible now to run your Active Directory completely on the cloud or maintain a Hybrid setup of On Premise Active Directory and Azure Active Directory.

Intranet Microsoft SharePoint Services

SharePoint, Office 365, Tralee, Kerry, IMC Technologies

We can support, configure and implement your SharePoint Site, with the Office 365 stack recently upgraded to Office 2016 SharePoint's New Release for 2016 is coming soon.

Microsoft 365 Yammer community

yammer, social media, tralee, Kerry, IMC Technology

Bring the power of Social Media into your business, get your employee's engaged on important company topics, chats, try the instant messenger option and show real engagement in the modern world of social media.

contact us for more about Microsoft 365 support

Microsoft 365, Install, Configure and Support Service offered across Ireland, Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Belfast and Derry

Cork Digital Marketing Awards Nominee
IMC Technologies nominated for Best Web deisigner Cork Business Awards 2017
IMC Technologies nominated for Best Web deisigner Cork Business Awards 2017

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