IT Infrastructure and Network Support

Providing better IT infrastructure Support

IMC Technologies specialize in providing IT Support for your business, we work with companies across Ireland, Dublin, Cork, Derry, Belfast, Limerick and Kerry. By offering your business IT Support / Technical Support / Computer Support or aim is to make your computer systems, IT Infrastructure much more stable, reliable and well maintained. We can provide service level agreements based on your IT Support requirement, it doesn't matter if you are a small business or larger business our IT Services definitely will assist.


Our IT Support Services to other areas such as Cork, Limerick, Galway and even Dublin. IMC Technologies really work hard at staying up with current technologies, we believe in providing the best and most cost effective solutions based on our clients budgets and requirement. We design IT Networks from beginning to end or we can do a complete system refresh with system integration. We provide ongoing IT consultancy services to the Public and Private sector in schools, hospitals, small and even enterprise environments.

IT Technical Support, PC Support, IT Support, IMC Technologies, Kerry, Tralee

Our IT Services and Network Support

Technical Support, Ireland

IMC Technologies, based in Dublin / Cork offer Technical Support to various scales of business particularly the SMB sector.


Web Development and Design

Regardless if you are a new company or old the importance of having a web presence is extremely important. IMC offer full scale Web Design Content Management Systems, Intranet systems such as SharePoint. For Web Development read more here.


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Providing Excellence As A Service, We Specialize in providing the Best IT and Technical Support Service in Ireland.

IT has the power to really boost your businesses productivity, maybe you need an SRM solution, maybe you need a document repository, Intranet Solution, Web Design, CRM Package, Network Monitoring or Network Management solution, let us IMC Technologies bring the best solutions to your business and integrate these, incorporating your project management guidelines, lets deliver these solutions together.

We Do System Integration too...

If your business is looking for a new IT system to be deployed for example a Mobile Device Management System (MDM), Network Monitoring Solution, New Website including Content Management or even an Intranet site such as SharePoint then please contact us here 


We provide complete System Integration services including project costing, design and implementation strategy, upon sign off we can then implement providing active project status and reports to make sure we meet our clients deadlines.

PRTG, Kerry, IMC Technologies, IT Support, Technical Support, Business Analyst, Mobile Device Management, MDM Computer Support

IT Support, Network Design, Dublin and Across Ireland

Our IT Support Business in Ireland offers IT support services to all types of business from schools, colleges, private and public companies. We offer IT technical support services such as Computer Support, Network Support, Network Design, Infrastructure Management, Project Management, System Design and Implementation, Intranet Solutions, Web Design, Graphic Design, Newsletters, SEO Support, IT Business Analysis, Web Analysis, IT Training, Technical Support.


We Offer IT Networking, Computer Systems Support, Network Monitoring, Cloud Systems, VPN, Firewall Systems, Web Development and Graphic Design Solutions across Ireland, we work with companies in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Belfast, Derry, Mayo.

it technical solutions for business

Technical Solutions Catered For Your Business, making business easier and simplifying IT.

We work closely with our clients to define what the requirement and issues are, we identify, we confirm root causes of technical issues then we set a plan about fixing issues. We discuss budgets with our clients as a number one rule as their is no point offering an IT Service they cannot afford.


We do like to see a business which puts a value on good quality IT as cheap fixes will only provide lots of headaches, we provide our customers with quality services which are they too make your business run smoothly and efficiently after all IT is their to benefit and simplify your business processes not make them worse. Their is many companies which don't value good quality IT services and these companies are usually performing equally inefficient so look at IT as a real enabler for business growth, as it should be. 

Mobile Device Management

IMC Technologies based in Ireland offer MDM Mobile Device Management for all forms of mobile devices for instance Biometric Devices, Android Devices, Apple, IOT, Windows CE Devices, we can provide complete control and management. Click here to find out more regarding IMC Technology MDM solutions.


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Communication Platforms

We provide and implement excellent communications platforms for businesses to do business better, if your looking for VOIP, Instant Message, Email Systems, Video Conferencing get in contact with us. For more information on communication platforms we offer click here


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Virtualization & Cloud Technologies

Taking your Business to the cloud is what IMC Technologies want to achieve, the requirement for high-end hardware is long outdated. We see all current trends pointing to more robust cloud solutions, we don't over utilize it, we do our research on your requirement, and provide a solutions which is tailored toward your needs. To find out more about cloud services we support and provide click here.


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Cork Digital Marketing Awards Nominee
IMC Technologies nominated for Best Web deisigner Cork Business Awards 2017
IMC Technologies nominated for Best Web deisigner Cork Business Awards 2017

Some of Our IT Partners