Is your school or college looking to apply for grant for IT Infrastructure? If so let us help with IT Audits and planning your IT Infrastructure with future proof and modern IT technologies.

school grant scheme ireland
school grant scheme ireland

Features of the grant scheme for Irish Schools

The scheme is designed taking a five year approach and in the expectation that €210m will become available over the period. This approach facilitates multi annual planning by schools. 

  • Each school is expected to draw up an eLearning plan using a whole school approach and taking account of its context and circumstances.  The plan will outline the vision of the school for the embedding of ICT in teaching, learning and assessment and incorporate targets and priorities for improvement and development.  
  • The eLearning plan which should be reviewed and updated at least annually will guide the way in which the grant funding is used in a phased and coherent approach to incrementally improve learning outcomes for students.  
  • Funding will be used for the purchase of teaching computers, student shared computers, projectors, networking equipment, cloud based tools, learning platforms, software and education applications, other equipment designed to support the teaching and learning in the school.
  • A standard funding formula incorporating both a flat rate lump sum and a per capita amount for each student enrolled has been used to calculate the grant due to each school.  
  • An enhanced per capita rate applies to students enrolled in Special and DEIS schools and special classes
  • All students following primary and post programmes reckon for per capita purposes 
  • Fee charging schools receive 50% of the rate applying to schools in the free education scheme.  
  • All schools open longer than 3 years qualify for funding, and school buildings built prior to 2013 are supported under the Scheme.
  • The scheme will be supported by the provision of technical and procurement guidance and information for schools and their leaders. 
  • Funding must be used for the purchase of ICT equipment and schools are required to use established public procurement arrangements. Further information and links are outlined in the Appendix.  
  • Records of expenditure and supporting documentation must be retained and be available for inspection if required 
  • Schools must ensure compliance with Circular: 13/2014 Management of and Accountability for Grants from Exchequer Funds
  •  Teaching Computers: These may include desktop PCs, laptops, tablets or hybrid devices  
  • Shared Student Computers: These may include desktop PCs, laptops, tablets or hybrid devices.  
  • Projectors including short throw or ultra-short throw, long throw, interactive, or interactive flat screens (IFS) 
  • Networking equipment (e.g. fixed and wireless networking, and including cabling, switches and installation) 
  • Cloud based tools and applications to support learning 
  • Learning platforms – these are generally cloud based applications used to support the teaching and learning process. 
  • Local software or 'apps' to support learning.  
  • Other ICT Equipment: This can include relevant and fit for purpose ICT elements to be used to support teaching, learning and assessment. An indicative (though not exhaustive) list includes audio visual equipment such as still and video cameras, speakers, interactive presentation technologies, visualizers, and equipment including mobile laptop/tablet trollies, printers and a school server.

Classrooms or other teaching areas:

  • Teachers in classrooms need to have access to a suitable teaching computer, and a digital projector or interactive flat screens (IFS) 
  • The choice of teaching computer is one for the school, but can include PCs, laptops, tablets, hybrid devices or combinations of these.

Computer Rooms (if applicable): 

  • Each computer room should be equipped with a teaching computer, student computers (desktop PCs, laptops, or tablets), printer and a digital projector or interactive flat screens (IFS) 
  • The choice of student computer is one for the school. Schools may use PCs, laptops, tablets or combination of these.

Download document below regarding Grant Scheme and Application process.

education grant scheme Ireland see full details
Irish Schools Bursary Grant Scheme, EU Grant.
Adobe Acrobat Document 424.4 KB

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