Www.imctechnologies.com - has partnered up with Blueface to provide SME Unified Communication Services, VOIP Telephony. If you run a business or work for companies that want to save on expensive phone bills then simply contact us for a complete cost analysis to see how we can bring great savings to your business.
The services we offer:
1. Strategic IT Business System Planning
2. IT Consultancy, business support.
3. Solutions and Design of BackUp, Disaster Recovery, Offsite, Onsite, Virtualization, Cloud Computing
4. OFFICE365 site deployments, Hybrid Cloud and Physical configuration with Azure AD.
5.CRM, Inventory, CMS, Account and Stock Systems, Online Sales, Multicurrency.
6. Network Design and Analysis inclusive of 5 year foresight.
7. Telephony, VOIP, low cost, cloud based, highly available.
8. MOBILE DEVICE MANAGEMENT(mdm) partnering with the best providers in the industry for complete device management for SME.
9. Mobile Compatible Web Design and App Development for Android / Apple all our designs are mobile compatible, efficient, designed for SEO compatiblity.
10. Advisors for social media marketing and sales including SEO, Facebook, Amazon, Ebay, twitter, Youtube.
We speciize in providing the best solutions based on our customer requirements within budget. Driving efficiency is what we are about, enabling your business to operate at its best.
Email us on info@imctechnologies.com we are on facebook here: IMC Technologies