it solutions company cork

"Bringing innovative technologies to companies across Ireland, future proofing business IT systems for years to come."

What we do....

IMC Technologies, IT Consultancy, Cork, Dublin,
IMC Technologies, IT Consultancy, Cork, Dublin,

Based in Cork we work with companies throughout Ireland offering various IT Solutions to make business more productive and less of a bottleneck. We introduce technologies to enable businesses to operate more efficiently, effectively and productively.  

Our Approach....

We believe in taking a fresh set of eyes to each task and project, thoroughly defining the technical requirements particularly with Infrastructure planning and development. We have introduced hybrid solutions to companies wanting to extend their physical servers to middleware solutions such as VMware or Hyper-V even expanding Active Directory to the cloud using AD Connect leveraging Azure Active Directory to connect more cloud services and servers.


What we offer your business...

IT Consultancy
Web Development
System Integration
Cloud Consultancy
Network Design
Asset Management
IT Infrastructure
Project Management

Fully Managed IT for a Competitive Edge

IT Infrastructure Support

Network Support, IMC Technologies, Tralee, Kerry

We do Network Support, LAN, WAN, Firewall, System Integration. We support businesses moving to the cloud, we help with virtualization, network design and software management.

Disaster Recovery and Backups

IMC Technologies, IT Support, Network Support, Office Support, Windows, Backup, Disaster Recovery, IBM, SAN Storage, RAID, Tralee, Co. Kerry

Disaster Recover, Site Back Up Planning and Testing is vital for Business, don't wait till disaster strikes. We can assist in making sure you have high availability for your vital business systems.

Mobile Web Design & Graphic

IMC Technologies, offering Web Design, Graphic Design in Tralee, Co. Kerry

Web Design Services , Web Development. Based in Cork we offer Intranet Design such as SharePoint sites our development platforms are cross browser and mobile compatible

Microsoft 365 Expertise Ireland

Office 365, Installation, Configuration, Tralee, Kerry

We help business connect to Microsoft 365 to utilize the best of Microsoft's new toolsets, We support SME's in adapting Microsoft Office 365 technologies to businesses across .

Social Media Marketing

IMC Technologies, Social Media Advertising, Facebook, Design, Graphic Design, Youtube, Google Plus, Google+, Twitter, Tralee, Co. Kerry

A great way of staying ahead of your competition is to promote your business online, for example using Social Media Advertising on Google plus, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We can help with the design of your social media.

Search Engine Optimization

IMC Technologies, IT Support, PC Support, PC Performance, System Performance, IT, Tralee, Co. Kerry

We know how to boost your website Google Rankings using Search Engine Optimization techniques we are highly tuned into Google's search engines and features, we utilize Business Intelligence and Google Analytics to data mine.

Cloud Infrastructure Management

IMC Technologies, IT Support, Managed Services, Technical Support Kerry, IT Support, Disaster Recovery, Cloud, Azure, Amazon Cloud, VMware, Microsoft, ITIL, Design, Tralee, Co. Kerry

We offer Cloud and IT Infrastructure Support Services across Ireland, we work with cloud technologies such as Microsoft Azure, SAAS and other Cloud Services for SMB. Embracing Cloud Infrastructure is straight forward when you deal with us.

Mobile Device Management

I|MC Technologies, Responsive Web Design, SEO, Google, Rankings, Google Rankings, Internet, Software Development, Graphic Design, Tralee, Co. Kerry

We provide MDM solutions such as Microsoft Intune Support and 42Gears MDM Solution in Ireland. Mobile Device Management Solutions are now a necessity in enterprise environments, we help business make the right choice

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Cork Digital Marketing Awards Nominee
IMC Technologies nominated for Best Web deisigner Cork Business Awards 2017
IMC Technologies nominated for Best Web deisigner Cork Business Awards 2017

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